Category Archives: Tips for the Sighted

How Blind Authors Write Better in the Dark

Blind AuthorAs silly as the title sounds, it is true. Here’s a blind author’s secret: not being able to actually see the printed word allows my mind to focus on the story itself. The one obvious problem with that – a blind writer cannot view his work to ensure it meets the standards, especially to make sure it is free of those pesky typos. 

Always in this business, a blind author must rely on others to pick up the difference in a writer’s career. For instance, my screen reading software cannot access a lot of web sites, nor can we read books from a Kindle app., or a PDF if not set up properly. That is the hardest part of being a blind author. If I cannot read what others are writing; I am at a disadvantage, just one more hindrance to keep the blind from achieving fame and fortune.

It is frustrating to need someone else to post pics, or publish the manuscript when it is time to preview the final touches Amazon demands. 

It is ironic that a blind man who loves to write, but cannot see what he writes. That’s the point, I have to listen to what I have written and I am carried away into that world. So, whatever I am doing; it is working for me.

To write in the dark should be a silly notion to the sighted. But that’s the trick!

Eighty percent of our perception is through our eyes, so if there is no longer any visual input, your mind will have less distraction when writing in the dark. 

I am told that all writers need editors, no less so for the blind writers. I am no exception, especially while in high school, I cut more English classes than I had attended in my senior year. Ironically, I took English Lit. as my major at Augusta State University eleven years later when I was condemned to becoming legally blind.  And quit a fifty thousand a year job to write full time.

What is the point of living if you don’t follow your dreams. I want to have my stories reviewed in Lit. classes in colleges as standard reading material. Oh well, a boy and his dreams. So, I feel a duty to my fellow human to bring them out of the darkness of ignorance and into the light.

Writing The Beggar King, I have learned so much about another world alien to mine, and find the same injustices.

Like Sir Lancelot, I will joust with the evil dragons of injustice and preserve the American way. 

If you do not know BS when you step in it, then keep on truckin’ 

Welcome to a Blind Author’s Blog – Please hang around and read more about my world and my worlds manifest in my ebooks.

Here you can get more information about my life…

This was my first ebook published…

And this is my latest release…



Catmando Book 1 A romantic fantasy about a blind social worker who struggles to help those less fortunate when he is drawn into a new world where his skills are needed to save a community from a bank robbing biker gang, but … Continue reading